Powerful Prayers for My Future Husband

There’s so much about life and love to pray for. When it’s working for your good and it feels you have the world at y9ur beck and call, or when the future plans seem not aligning with your desire, you already know that prayer is non-negotiable.

You want to look back in some years from here and be glad everything worked according to plan and in the will of God? You know one way to have this moment of satisfaction is to pray it forward; that’s why you are here, right?

Then these prayers are your best shorts for the lifetime of awesomeness with your prospective husband whether you are in relationship with him now or you are yet to meet each other.

Note: The prayers have two sections. Section 1 contains prayers for someone in a relationship and section 2 contains prayers for singles. More than 30 prayers for your future husband, and for every area of his life. Kindly use the table of contents below. Thanks.


Section 1: Prayer for Your Fiancé

Lord, I pray for my fiancé in your name, that he will be all that you have fashioned him to be. And I also ask in prayer that he will find reasons to praise you above all challenges daily, in Jesus name.


Thanksgiving Prayer for My Fiancé

Lord, I join the psalmist to say according to Psalm 9:1 “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Of a truth Lord you have done wonderful things in my life so I bless your holy name. thank you for my fiancé thank you joining us together in your love. My heart is full of thanks giving because you oh Lord has been our comfort and succour. In your divine artistry you drew the pattern of our lives together. It has been you all the way. Thank you for the knitting our hearts together in love; it was truly a blessed day we met.

Dear father, thank you for been my fiancé’s stay through thick and thin; thank you for blessing him on all side. We are grateful for prospering everything that he has laid his hand to do. Thank you for being his counsel; I thank you that you have planted him by the rivers of water and he is abundantly fruitful. Lord, I bless you for keeping his feet in the paths of light; thank you for giving you angels charge over him. Thank you for granting him health in his spirit, soul and body. Thank you, Lord, for the promise of life over him and thank you for you will perfect all that concerns him in Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer of Focus for My Fiancé

Lord, I bring my fiancé before your holy presence; bless him with the spirit to be focused. A focused man will be definitely determined and diligent in making his dreams and goals a reality. Lord bless him with the spirit of diligence to be focused in his work. Help him accomplish all his set goals today, strengthen his mind and body. Let laziness and lethargy not be found around him. Bless him with energetic and enthusiastic to be productive.

Lord help him to focus on realities, help him set feasible goals and put his mind to the process of making his goals realized. Help him to be a quitter, bless him with the spirit of tenacity. I speak to your heart my darling according to the scriptures in Luke 21:19 “In your patience possess your souls” harness all the treasures the Lord has buried in you. Be blessed with patience you need to mine all the precious things the Lord put in you. For the Lord id with you and he will strengthen you, help you and uphold you with his righteous hand. Many prosper with applying unrighteous means but stand form my love and you will win life in the name of Jesus. The Lord blesses with the spirit of spiritual understanding and enlightenment to have good success and great prosperity in the name of Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for Wisdom for My Fiancé

I pray that my fiancé is blessed with the spirit and spiritual understanding. Abigail in the bible said in 1Samuel :25 May my Lord pay him no attention to that wicked Man Nabal. He is just like his name is—his name is Fool, and folly goes with him… As for my fiancé, he will not be like foolish Nabal; Lord fill him with your wisdom within and without. Let him be a consultant when wisdom is needed in his office, in home every in every place of influence. Every foolish mind in him is exchanged by the wisdom of God. Lord bless my fiancé with your fear that he may come to wisdom and good understanding. Bless him with intelligence and beauty in mind. Let his mind and heart be governed by the wisdom of God that is wiser than the foolishness of men. Bless him with the spirit of excellence of Daniel and the spirit of wisdom of wisdom and judgment of Solomon in the name of Jesus.

I pray that he will be a man of virtue and impeccable character. Let his wisdom show in his good behaviour towards everyone that comes his way. Let pressure not bring out harshness or bitterness in him. Bless his heart with the gentleness of wisdom; let him increase in knowledge and understanding in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, help my fiancé not to be wise in his own eyes, let his acknowledge the Lord in his heart in the name of Jesus. Renew his mind with the fresh breath of the life in Christ Jesus. Bless his mind and heart with the light of your grace, help him to always; learn from his mistakes and not be like an ostrich who hides behinds his own finger. Make my man of wisdom and understanding in the Jesus name, I have prayed.

Prayer for Wealth Creation for My Fiancé

Dear Father, although, 1 Timothy 6:10 says “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grieves.” But we have a consolation still in your word in Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” Lord, almost every young man in our society today desires wealth through ungodly means; they believe it is fast and smart but I pray that my fiancé will not believe in their pernicious ways in the name of Jesus. Lord I bring my fiancé before you this morning deliver him from the inordinate ambition to make wealth through foul means. Help him to believe that you are the creator of the universe and there is nothing difficult for you. Help him to know that you oh Lord are the original author give the ability to create and produce wealth in the name of Jesus.

Lord I pray that my fiancé will see secrets of wealth kept in mysteries by God. I pray his mind will be productive in all his endeavours. The eyes of his understanding to see wealth is enlightened. Father every grace he needs to be prosperous is given to him in Jesus name. Anyone who is blessed by God can never be impoverished by anyone; Lord I pray that you will bless my fiancé with all that pertains to his becoming prosperous financially. I degree and declare that as he sows, he will reap back a hundredfold in the name of Jesus. Fear of the unknown stops many from becoming what God intends them to be, this will not be the portion of my darling fiancé in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will my fiancé boldness to break fallow grounds. The Lord grant you good success in your job and businesses in Jesus name.

Prayer for My Contentment for My Fiancé

Father, I am persuaded that the thoughts you have for my fiancé and I are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring to a wonderful expected end. So, in the world where greed is now being seen as the drive for success, I pray that you immune my fiancé against this vain mind set. Bless him with the spirit of contentment. Many who are rich and wealthy but lack peace and fulfilment is because they are void of the spirit of contentment. I know that we do not have all we dream and desire of yet, but I know that you who has begun this good work will perform it and bring us in all perfection. Therefore, I pray that as my fiancé who works in the corporate world that is rigged with the mind of always getting without giving back because of fear of becoming poor, will be strengthen by the spirit of contentment against greed.

Lord, bring him to the knowledge of the wonderful plans you have for him and the knowledge of your eternal love. While many proclaim and seek self-gratification; my fiancé’s desire will be of support to people around him and his community at large. He will be an ocean that feed other rivers, streams and lake; he will never be a stagnant water both in his mind and his actions.

Prayer of Deliverance for My Fiancé from Family Line Curses

Dear God, send your light into the life of my future husband and purify him of any negative force tied to his linage in the name of Jesus. Positive and negative trends tend to transcend generations for reasons unknown to man. I decree and declare that my fiancé is totally free from any negative influence tied to his blood line. Jeremiah 30:8 ‘It shall come about on that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘that I will break his yoke from off their neck and will tear off their bonds; and strangers will no longer make them their slaves. I pray today that any bonds on the neck on my fiancé is torn off in the name of Jesus. From today he is fruitful in his endeavours because the Lord God makes him free so he is free indeed; he seizes from serving any yoke that oppresses his prosperity. The Lord leads my fiancé into prosperity and out of the parched land in the name of Jesus.

I declared that my fiancé is free any power or authority that is not subject to Christ in his mind, thoughts heart and mind. Just as Peter was freed from the bonds of imprisonment; my fiancé breaks in divine emancipation. He is delivered from the power of darkness to light; he is transformed from the power of Satan to the power of Christ. He walks in liberty to show forth the praise of the father of lights. My fiancés’ life is submerged in the light of Christ; darkness is dispelled in his life in the name of Jesus. No one is henceforth allowed to trouble him for he bears in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Prayer for My Fiancé to Surmount Peer Pressure

My Lord and God from whom all blessings flow, I bring my future husband to your presence today; grant him victory over peer pressure. We are a generation of young people who are always faced with temptations and trials that corrupt anyone who falls in them. Help him to walk in the light of your word that he will not fall into temptations. Guide his feet and secure his heart in your commandments. Grant him the grace to put your words in his heart and write them in his minds that he will not fulfil the lust of the flesh. I pray that he will be able to meditate on your words day and night that his heart might be full of your light in the name of Jesus.

Help him to surround himself with friends that are of the same mind in Christ Jesus. May they not be people who exalts God with their mouth but are far from him in their hearts. Lord let them be as Jonathan was to David, let their friendship be guided by light that they may encourage themselves in the paths of righteousness in the name of Jesus. I pray that my fiancé will not walk in the counsel of people like the wife of Job that encouraged him to curse God and die, nor people like the friends of King Rehoboam who advised him to scourge the people of God and he lost the Kingdom of his father. I will walk in the counsel of godly people like Daniel and the 3 Hebrew men, people like Paul and Timothy in the name of Jesus. I pray the Spirit of Christ will help to stand against evil even when it is not favourable. He will stand a man of integrity amongst his peers in Jesus name. He will be known for his tenacity to do and follow righteousness in the name of Jesus.

Prayer of Protection for My Fiancé (Life and Peace)

Dear God my future husband is in the palms of your hands; I pray that he will be kept and preserved by your power. Lord, I pray that his steps are kept in your mercy and his coming in is secured in your love. I declare that he is untouchable to the enemy and his cohorts. He will dwell in peace and safety and nothing makes him afraid. I pray dear God that he receives grace to put on your whole armour that he will be able to stand against all the attacks of the enemy (Ephesians 6:11). According to God’s word in Isaiah 54:17, I proclaim No weapon that is formed against (my fiancé) shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against (my fiancé) in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of (my fiancé), and (his) righteousness is of me, says the Lord.

My father, shield my fiancé from all the assaults of the enemy against his life, job, businesses, family and friends in the name of Jesus. I pray that my fiancé will learn to trust in you Lord with all his heart and mind. Help him Lord never to put his confidence in man but in you. Grant him grace to see you as his strong tower and always run in for refuge. Father be his shield from all the fiery darts of the enemy and lift his head above the troubles of the enemy, amen.

Prayer of Fulfilment for My Fiancé

Lord, I lift up my fiancé before you, help him to live a fulfilling life in the name of Jesus. Give him the wisdom to engage in a lifestyle that will be rewarding at the long run. May he not labour in fruitless endeavours. Help him to secure his ambition, passions and dreams in your hands because you are the all-knowing God. Help him to know that difficulties and challenges are just stepping stones and not stumbling blocks in the paths of his success in the name of Jesus. Fulfilment in life is not only at the tail end of one’s life but it can be experience at every phase of life one gets to. I pray Lord that you will help my fiancé to experience fulfilment in his job especially. Help him to find purpose in what he does every day.

Let everyday be a resounding testimony of victories and triumphs in all his endeavours in Jesus name. Give him to courage, strength and wisdom to face challenges and surmount them in the name of Jesus. Help him to stand on your word as a formidable tool against the assaults of fear of failure and depression in the name of Jesus. Teach him to trust in your intentions and plans for his life. Help him to accept all the provisions you have made for him and be fulfilled in them. Help him never to fall prey of depression with life, grant him the eyes to always see your thoughts on every matter. Help him to be full of thanks always because he is not limited to see and stay only on the things he cannot change. I ask all of these in the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for My Relationship with My Fiancé

Dear Jesus, I thank you bring my fiancé and I together, thank you for the time of love we have spent together. I know that the enemy doesn’t like anything good that comes out from you. So today I bring my relationship with my future husband before the throne of grace. And I ask boldly that the mercy of God will bind us more together in love. Grant us the heart to be satisfied with the company of each other. May our eyes not be opened to imperfections in our relationship that looks perfect in other people’s relationship. But help us to work together to make strengths out of our weaknesses and synergize our strengths to produce better results. For your word says two are better than one; Lord help us complement each other in the name of Jesus. I pray that we will never see solace in another relationship, grant us the grace to make our work.

Help us to be selfless especially towards each other. Grant us grace to forgive each other when offended and not seek revenge because true love is not vengeful. Bless us with peaceful understanding and loving patience to bear each other’s weaknesses and imperfections. Bound us more in your love; help us to fall more in love with each other every waking day. Let it become more and more impossible to stay apart. I pray that at the right time you will grant my fiancé to fulfil his promise of marriage to me. Let our future be united together in your presence Lord in Jesus name I have prayed, amen.

Prayer for My Fiancé’s Relationship with God

Lord, I thank you for this man that you have handpicked for me to be my husband in a very soon future. I pray that you will establish his heart in your love. I pray that his desire to grow closer to you will become firmer every waking day. A man who fears the lord shall prosper in all he does; I pray that my husband will grow in the fear of the lord. I pray that he will be a man that loves the scriptures; Lord help him to love to study your word and show himself approved of both man and God. Help his heart to find profit in being acquainted with your word daily. Help him to seek your presence and your house above all other things. Help him to come into your knowledge as the only true God and help his heart abide in your life as the fruitful branch abides in the vine in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 119:11 says “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.” Father help my fiancé to be your dear friend because he keeps your word in his heart and thereby is enabled to stay wash from sin in the name of Jesus. Lord strengthen my fiancé’s resolve to be a seeker of your face. Help him to be able to purify me his future wife with the washing of water by the word. Let his heart will beat to the tune of your voice in the name of Jesus, amen.

Short Prayer Points for My Fiancé

1. Dear Jesus, it is so amazing that he asked for me to marry him. I am so enthralled by his love, oh Lord, thank you for the love we share.

2. I pray for my fiancé this day bless him, let everything around him begin to work for his good in the name of our Lord Jesus.

3. Lord bless my sweetheart with the eye of an eagle; help in to be focused in all he lays his hand on.

4. I pray against every spirit of distraction that wants to weaken his productivity in the name of Jesus.

5. My fiancé blessed with the grace to plan, prepare and produce. All that he does will be crowned with success in Jesus name.

6. My darling future husband is blessed with abundant wisdom in his mind and character in the name of Jesus.

7. He is lifted above fear and timidity; he is endowed with the spirit of boldness, wisdom and understanding to be outstanding in the name of Jesus.

8. My future husband will never borrow but be a channel of blessing to nations in the mighty name of Jesus.

9. He prospers in the wisdom of God to create and establish wealth in the name of Jesus.

10. Lord, I pray that my fiancé is graced with a contended heart, he is not greedy for wealth and riches in Jesus name.

11. My fiancé receives grace to put his trust in you and not in any arm of flesh in all his endeavours in Jesus name.

12. My future husband is delivered by the mighty hand of God from any negativity attached to his blood line in Jesus name.

13. He is victorious above limitations because he is surrounded by the light of Christ. He becomes untouchable for the enemy in Jesus name.

14. My fiancé surmounts temptations that arises from anyone around him in the name of Jesus.

15. He is righteous because he is surrounded with friends that love righteousness in Jesus name.

16. Lord shield my fiancé from all assaults of the enemy in all that concerns him in the name of Jesus.

17. My fiancé is preserved and kept by the power in the blood of Jesus.

18. Dear father, bring my fiancé to abundant joy as you grace him to be fruitful on all sides in Jesus name.

19. His life resonates with testimonies of outstanding success in the name of Jesus.

20. Father I pray that my relationship of love with my fiancé will grow stronger, sweeter and deeper in the name of Jesus.

21. I pray that nothing will come between us to turn us against each other in Jesus name.

22. Dear father, I declare that my fiancé finds more peace in fellowshipping with you in the name of Jesus.

Section 2: Prayer for Your Future Husband

Wherever you are today and whatever you do, I pray that God’s utmost will for our family together shall be your focus. And every evil is rebuked on your behalf. This prayer I pray for my future husband, in Jesus name.

Thanksgiving Prayer for My Future Husband

Dear Lord, I know the thoughts you have for me are thoughts of good and not of evil, even to bring me to a great future. And I know I cannot change anything I a future that I know nothing about, but I know you are the all-knowing God and you are my father. So, I come humbly before you throne of mercy to thank you in faith that you will bring my future husband to me at your own time in the name of Jesus. I thank you because you will make our lives to be a replica of heaven on earth. I thank you because you are with him anywhere he is now whether he is student or otherwise. I thank you because of your presence in his life to lead and direct him.

Thank you, Lord, for keeping watch over my future husband from his mother’s womb; I appreciate you for your guiding light that is always with him to secure his feet. I thank you for making his life fulfilling. Father, thank you for bringing him to the knowledge of your love and making him succeed in all life endeavours. Thank you, father, because my future husband is not a failure neither is he a loser. Thank you for blessing him with good health in his entire being, sickness, disease does not have dominion over his physical and mental bodies. I bless my future husband anywhere he is with the blessing of your face in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer of Focus for My Future Husband

Heavenly Lord, I thank you for my future husband whoever he may be. I pray that you will bless him with clarity of vision and purpose of life. Proverbs 29:18a says where there is no vision, the people perish… I pray that my future husband will find the purpose why you created him and he will come to the understanding of how to make bring his life vision to reality in the name of Jesus.
Grant him speed Lord in the right direction because there is no use for speed on a wrong direction. Hasten his feet on the paths of fulfilling his life’s purpose. Enable him to engage in a lifestyle that will help his vision. Lord, you always lead men by visions; lead my future husband too in the mighty name of Jesus. May his vision never be blur or darkened in the name of Jesus; may he see from afar what others struggle to see. An eagle sights its prey from miles and miles away; bless my future husband with an eagle eye in the name of Jesus.

Help him for focus on his strengths and enable him to work on his weakness that he will not be the enemy of his own success in the name of Jesus. Surround him with friends that are vision builders and not vision killers in the name of Jesus. Help him to seek healthy counsel because in the multitude of counsel there is safety. May he never have itching ears for truth and godly counsel in the name of Jesus.

I thank you Jesus for blessing my future husband with an overwhelming sense of your purpose for his life in the name of Jesus.

Prayer of Wealth Creation for My Future Husband

Dear God give my future husband the grace to make money. My future husband anywhere you are today, this is the word of the Lord unto you, you will lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. Yea, the almighty shall be your defence and you shall have plenty of silver.” (Job 22:24) I ask for the spirit of excellence upon my future husband to be outstanding in all his hands find to do in the name of Jesus. Lord, make him a trail blazer for success, let him be an example for others to follow. Make him a voice to be reckoned with in his office or school in the name of Jesus.

I declare today that you come into a large space. The lord enriches your mind with hidden riches. Your eyes will see success where others have failed, you will see possibilities in impossibilities in the name of Jesus. Your coast is greatly enlarged and you are strengthened beyond your weakness and failures. The Lord blesses you with the passion and boldness you need to create wealth in the name of Jesus.

Laziness will never find a place in your heart, mind and body. You are graced to be a hard worker and you will reap the fruits of your labour abundantly in the name of Jesus. you are blessed with tenacity to breakthrough barriers in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Wisdom for My Future Husband

Dear Father, I ask for that you pour your oil of wisdom on my future husband. Lord, make him a wise man in words, in action, in thoughts in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 3:13 says Happy is the man that finds wisdom and the man that gets understanding. Lord our generation is easily swayed because of lack of wisdom. I pray that you will strengthen my future husband with spirit of wisdom and understanding. Build his mind with your wisdom; help him to pursue wisdom and desire understanding above all in the name of Jesus.

Teach the way of wisdom and let his heart be the house of understanding that he will be a beacon of light to those around him. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; fill my future husband’s heart with your understanding that his mouth will speak your wisdom in the name of Jesus. may foolish thoughts never be tied to him, help him to dwell with prudence and make him find knowledge of witty inventions. Bless him with innovative spirit in the name of Jesus.

Dear God surround my future husband with men that are statures of wisdom. Help him to walk uprightly, may he never be comfortable with foolish ways or words but let him be at rest with wisdom and understanding in the name of Jesus.

I declare oh my future husband you will have good, great and gracious success because you will be raised by the spirit of wisdom; the Lord will fill your heart with understanding and you will never be destitute of the knowledge of God in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer of Contentment for My Future Husband

Lord, I thank you because you will make my future husband prosperous and in his prosperity, he will come to fulfilment in all life endeavours in Jesus name. I pray that my future husband will learn to be content in whatsoever state he finds himself in today. He will not through greediness and dubious means sought for wealth in the name of Jesus. May he be contented with the little you have provided for him. Strengthen him to a man of amiable character in the name of Jesus. Help him to learn through the all the experiences he goes through to attain desirous character and attributes in the name of Jesus.

Help him to be honest in his business or job in his daily life even when it will mean cost him some things. Enable him to be selfless in his decision making; help him never to be pressured to give in to worldly demands in the name of Jesus.
Lord, it is great to have big dreams, but help my future husband to live within the means of his income. Help him find satisfaction in the little things of life. Bless him with the virtue to stay for your own prosperity in the name of Jesus, help him to be patient.

Prayer of Deliverance for My Future Husband from Family Line Curses

Dear Jesus I thank you for choosing a husband for me even if I do not know him now. I pray that before you will bring us together, separate him from any family curse that plagues his family. Some negative spirits that bring contrary influences and experiences to peoples’ lives, attach themselves to their blood lines for inexplicable reasons. I declare that if there is any kind attached to the life of my future husband; I decree and declare that it is hereby nullified by the blood of Jesus.

Lord help my future to know that he has you as his true father and that you know his name. I pray for him today that he is discharged and acquitted from any negative influence by the availing blood of Jesus. he is lifted far above them all. Isaiah 49:25 reads: But so says the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children. I proclaim that my future husband is delivered for the hand of any legal oppressor in the name of Jesus. The Lord fights his battle on his behalf and stands against his enemies in the name of Jesus.

My future husband prospers by the efficacy in the name of Jesus; every knee shall bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is lord. I pray that in the life of my future husband, every knee becomes obedient to the name of Jesus Christ and every tongue that concerns him speaks to his favour in the name of Jesus. Lord I thank you because my future husband is totally free in the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer against Peer Pressure for My Future Husband

Lord I thank you because you have been with my future husband through life. Thank you for every stage of development in life. I pray that my future husband is raised above peer pressure in the name of Jesus. Friends are an indicator of a person true personality and inner configuration; I pray that my future husband is kept form wrong friends in the name of Jesus. His judgment is raised to know how to choose between right and wrong by the leading of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

I pray that his friends help him to walk in wisdom, knowledge and understanding in the name of Jesus. Wise counsels will be the guiding light of their togetherness in Jesus name. I pray that they will all be accountable both to the lord and to themselves in the mighty name of Jesus.

My future husband will prosper because of his fellowship with godly friends. I pray that he will not walk in ungodly counsels, he will not be stay with men of unrighteous thoughts and ways neither will he be comfortable in actions that does not bring praise to God in the name of Jesus. he will continually walk in the laws and commands of the lord in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer of Protection for My Future husband

Dear God thank you for being with me now and always. I pray that my future husband anywhere he is today will be secured under your great mighty hands. The bible says on Psalm 127:1 “Unless the LORD builds the house, They labour in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain” for this course I call upon you to keep my future husband in safety. I believe safety is of you Lord and I have great assurance that you will keep in peace all that concerns me. I pray that my future husband is kept from evil and destruction today, his feet is kept from slippery places and is planted on the solid rock.

Please assign your angels to keep watch over him in the night season and strengthen him in his time of weakness. Father, be his succour in trouble and his comfort in pain. Let his heart be filled with the assurance of your love and presence. Bless his going out and his coming in. as he engages with the world and all its troubles help him to know that you are with him, and that you are his God.

Strengthen him with your victorious right hand and help him. Father, rescue him from every evil deed and bring him safely into the promise land. Bring him to the knowledge of your faithfulness for you are his refuge and fortress. I hereby declare that the Lord is against anyone who is against my future husband. Anyone one who intends evil against him falls into his own pit. My future husband is set above the enemy in all his endeavours in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for My Future Husbands’s Relationship with God

Any man who loves God sincerely will take care of his woman keenly. This is why I come before you father to pray for the man I will get married to in future, that you will give him the strong desire to draw closer to you. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. I declare over my future husband that anywhere you are today, you will hunger and thirst after God.

I pray that my future husband will find his purpose in God. I pray that you will seek God’s righteousness first in everything you do. I pray that the willingness to seek and obey God will envelop you. I pray that you will find joy in spending Quality time with the word of God. Father keep his heart fixed on you, that he will neither be swayed to the left nor the right in the name of Jesus.

David said in Psalm 27:4 One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple”, let this be the desire of my future husband in the mighty name of Jesus. Make his eye fixed on you, fill his soul with your light. Help him to choose to seek and follow you all the days of his life.

Prayer for My Future Husband for Protection Against Sexual Sin

I pray this day for my future husband that he will overcome the enemy on the matter of sexual sin and all it accompaniments in the name of Jesus. Young men of this generation are plagued with the faults of pornography and masturbation; I pray that my future husband is protected from such in the name of Jesus. Any soul that engages and enjoys such is not acceptable in your sight, Lord I pray that his mind and heart is preserved in the name of Jesus.

Lord if he is in it already, I pray that you mighty spirit of purity will cause a work of deliverance to be worked in his mind and heart in the name of Jesus. Father, help him to abhor sin even sexual immorality in the name of Jesus. Help him to flee all appearance of the sin of immorality, grant him the grace to stay chaste and pure in the name of Jesus.

Sexual immorality gives the enemy legal ground against us, I pray you will forgive all the unrighteousness of my future husband and purify him from the thoughts and imaginations of immorality in the name of Jesus. Lord, help him to live holy and righteously especially sexually even before he meet me in Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for My future Husband for Us to find Ourselves

Lord, you told the Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 37:1 to speak to dry bones in the valley of bones and then in verse 7 “So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.” As a daughter of the most high today, I prophesy that man who God had ordained to be my own husband, the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, begin to journey towards me from any part of the world where you are.

Lord you are the author and finisher of life, knowing the end from the beginning, direct our paths towards each other. If we are attached to anyone who is not in the original plan of God for our lives, separate us and help us to find each other. People say there are no enough men for women to marry any more, I refuse to believe this, because my father, who created me, also created the man to whom I will get married to. Lord draw our hearts together.

I pray that when we find each other, we will know within us in the name of Jesus. you will stir us up in our hearts in the name of Jesus. Fashion our lives to fit into each other’s give us the right focus and desire in the name of Jesus.

Short Prayer Points for My Future Husband

1. Thank you, Lord, for the great plans you have for my life, even if I have not met the love of my life but I know you are working in our lives, thank you Lord.

2. I thank you Lord because you are bringing to reality the beautiful plans and promises you have for us in the name of Jesus.

3. I commit my future husband to your able hands, enable him to stay on your plan and purpose for his life in the name of Jesus.

4. Let him wake up and go about his business every day with the sense of fulfilling his life purpose in the name of Jesus amen.

5. I pray you will bless my future husband with the creativity for making wealth through the law of Christ in the name of Jesus.

6. The mind of my future husband is enriched with grace to see hidden riches. He is blessed with the spirit of hard work and tenacity in the name of Jesus.

7. My future husband will never be greedy in the name of Jesus. the Lord endows him with the spirit of contentment.

8. I pray that he will apply honest and truth in all his business relations in the name of Jesus.

9. Enable him Lord to be selfless in his decision making, deliver him from being selfish in the name of Jesus.

10. Every legal hold of negative influence over my future husband and his unborn generations is broken in the name of Jesus.

11. The blood of Christ that speaks better things than that of Abel, speaks on my future husband’s behalf in the name of Jesus.

12. Lord surround my future husband with friends who can stand with him in trials in the name of Jesus

13. My future husband walks in wisdom because his friends are wise and not foolish in Jesus name.

14. My future husband is kept and preserved from evil by the power in the name of Jesus.

15. The Lord plants the feet of my future husband on the rock in the name of Jesus.

16. Lord, draw my future husband close to tour heart, fill his heart and mind with the desire to seek you in the name of Jesus.

17. Dear Father, keep my future husband away from the defilement of sexual sin in the name of Jesus.

18. Cleanse his heart and mind from any filth of sexual immorality especially in his thoughts and imaginations in the name of Jesus.

19. Lord begin to direct our hearts towards each other, bind our heart in you love in the name of Jesus.

20. Father, separate us from anything or anyone who is working against our togetherness in Jesus name, amen.

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