Powerful New Week Prayers for My Husband

You want to look back at the end of this week and sends loads of thanksgiving to God on behalf of your husband? Then be ready to render these new prayers for him – with faith in your heart.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Peace and Strength

Dear Lord, I thank you for my husband. I thank you for your mercies on his life day in day out. I bless you for every week you have given him opportunity to spend this year.

Dear Lord this is a new week and I pray for him for peace and strength. Let the light of your countenance be upon him and give him peace. Your word says in Psalms 29:11 that ‘The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace’. Therefore Lord, give strength to my husband and bless him with peace. Your word also says in Psalm 119:165 ‘Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them’. Lord as he spends this week let your peace be so great that nothing will offend him.

Dear Lord I pray that you will be his strength and power, and make his way perfect. I also pray that you will be him with light and salvation, you will be the strength of his life. Where men are falling, he will stand, where men are saying there is a casting down, for him, his testimony will be that there is a lifting up because you will be his strength. Your word says in Isaiah 40:29 that ‘you O Lord giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might you increase strength’. Thank you because this would be his portion in Jesus name, Amen.

Seen these Prayers to Soften Your Husband’s Heart?

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Safe Journey and Protection

I thank you Lord for yet another week. Thank you for your preservation over my husband. Your word says in Psalm 127 that ‘Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it. Except the Lord keeps the city, the watchmen wake but in vain’. Thank you for preserving his goings on comings.

I pray O Lord that as he goes out this week, You will keep his journeys safe. Deliver him from any form of major or minor accidents by road, by air or by sea. As he walks or drives himself or as he is been driven you will take over and preserve him anyways.

Dear Lord, sufficient for the day is the evil thereof let him not be a part of any form of evil this week. Deliver him from all temptations and evil. Deliver him from the plots of the wicked one. Thousands may fall at his side and ten thousand at this right hand, but it shall not come near him. You will cover him with your feathers and under your wing shall he trust and your truth shall be his shield and buckler.

Deliver him from every snare of the fowler and from every noisome pestilence. Let the sun not smite him by day nor the moon by night. Lord my husband will not be afraid of the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday.

I thank you dear Lord because you who keep Israel neither slumber nor sleep and you will protect my husband in Jesus name, Amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Favour Before Men and God

I thank you Lord for a new week. I thank you for helping us to run the past weeks and this week will not be an exception.

Lord I pray that your favour will be upon my husband. As you were with Joseph and shewed him mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison, so you will favour my husband. As you gave the children of Israel favour in the sight of the Egyptians that they could not withhold their wealth from them, so you will favour my husband before men such that they will not be able to hold back their wealth from him. The bible records in Esther 2:17 that the king loved Esther and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins.

I therefore pray Lord that my husband will be preferred above his equals because he will find favour in the heart of kings. In places where men are exerting strength, my husband will be favoured and your grace will speak for him. You will be the glory of his strength and in your favour his horn shall be exalted. Let him grow in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and with men just like Jesus, as your word records in Luke 2:52 in Jesus name, amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Commitment to the Marriage

I thank you Lord for yet another beautiful week. Thank you for my husband and thank you for helping him to run this marriage.

Lord as we approach this week, I pray for my husband for a caring and committed heart, a heart so form in its devotion towards our marriage. Help him O Lord with an unconditional commitment to invest and protect our marriage.

Lord I pray that even as he goes through the day and faces different challenges, let his commitment to keep our marriage, fight for it and work for it remain unshakeable in his heart.

Dear Lord, I know my husband may have fears, concerns and worries but I ask Lord that you shine your light upon his heart and help him to make right choices and decisions that will help him keep his commitment to our marriage. Let him experience a week full of hope for a better and stronger marriage in Jesus name, amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Heavenly father, I thank you for your unfailing love towards me and my husband as individuals and as a couple. Thank you for the supply of the spirit even in our journey of faith.

I pray O Lord that as my husband spends his week you will help my husband to sow to the spirit so that he can reap life according to your word in Galatians 6:8.

Lord I pray that you will help him to study more of your word to show himself approved of you and also to accurately divide the word of truth. Help him to stay spiritually connected to you. Help his path to be paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and help his mind to always think about you and think highly about you.

Lord, I pray also that in this week he will pray more in the holy ghost and he will be built up on his most holy faith according to your word in Jude 20. Help him to take root downward in your word and bear fruits upward. Help him O lord to grow in grace and become more like you. Lord I also pray that he will be more disciplined in handling spiritual things. You will help him grow in grace, grow in wisdom, grow in knowledge and understanding, grow in love, grow in holiness and in humility as these are the signs of spiritual maturity and growth.

I thank you because you are willing to do much more than I can ask in Jesus name, Amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Financial Blessings

Heavenly father, I thank you for our lives, I thank you because you bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. I thank you also because all these blessings find expression even in our natural endeavours.

Dear Lord I pray for my husband’s finances this week that you will teach his hands to prosper beyond measure. Grow his finances and bestow upon him wisdom to manage your blessings righteously.
Dear Lord, let grace be ministered to my husband for financial abundance. Make him financially buoyant to be a lender to many nations and not a borrower. Your word says in Ephesians 4:28 that we should Labour, working with our hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth.

I therefore pray Lord for my husband that you will help him not just to have but to have to give. Help him to see other people’s need and meet them even with the little he has so that more can come his way. Increase him with financial wealth beyond measure and help him to give proportionately back to you. For every finance that comes to his pocket, help him discern which is a seed to sow and which is bread to eat. Help him to be a faithful giver. Save him from every financial embarrassment by your mercies. Let him not be a slave to money but let money answer to him in Jesus name, amen.

New Week Prayer for Increase for My Husband

Heavenly father I thank you so much for your mercies, for you daily load us with benefits. We do not take for granted your kindness towards us but rather we choose to bless your name returning back to you all the glory you deserve.

Lord I pray that this week you will increase my husband on all sides. Your word says concerning the children of Israel in Exodus 1:7 that they increased abundantly and multiplied and wax exceedingly mighty, let this be my husband’s portion in Jesus name. You O Lord who minister’s seed to the sower and bread for food, You will multiply his seed sown and increase the fruits of his righteousness. Let his seed O Lord be prosperous, let his vine give her fruit, let the ground give her increase and let the heavens give their dew upon his life.

I pray that my husband will increase unto more godliness, he will increase unto more patience, increase in faith, increase and abound more and more in love. I pray that he increases with the increase of God in Jesus name, amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Job and Business Opportunities

Heavenly father, thank you for the great and mighty things you do. I thank you Lord for your unfailing love and loving kindness.

Dear Lord, I pray for him for good job opportunities as he goes out this week. I pray that you will provide a job that will meet his needs and afford him the opportunity to serve you as required. Lord you said in your word that your plans for us are of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. Bring my husband’s way the job that is just beat for him. Open his eyes O Lord to see the opportunities you have provided for him.

Dear Lord I also pray that you will not just make him a salary earner, you will make him an employer of Labour. Open him up to business opportunities that can make him employ people and put smile on their faces. Dear Lord, let doors of profitable business opportunities be opened to him. Give him breakthrough in every transaction he makes in Jesus name. Let every application and business proposal sent out receive a favourable response in Jesus name, amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for Success in Interviews

Thank you, heavenly father, for your divine intervention in our lives. Thank you because you give good success. Thank you for my husband, thank you because you will give him good success this week.

Dear Lord, I pray that as he goes to attend this interview, your presence will go with him and make the difference. Help him portray himself well in a manner that will make them see he is important to the progress of their company.

Give him peace, make him calm, cool and calculated as he attempts every question. He may come across situations beyond his reserves but not beyond your resources. Help him gather all the information needed to answer his questions professionally. Make his mind settled, help him convey his thoughts clearly. By his words, you will help him to leave a lasting and unforgettable impression in the mind of his interviewers. Let your countenance radiate over him to bring him favour and good success in Jesus name, amen.

Husband’s New Week Prayer for New Ideas for Business

I thank you Lord the custodian of all wisdom. I thank you because you are the source of unending wisdom and boundless knowledge.

I pray this new week Lord that you give my husband new and creative ideas for his business. Lord I pray that you open his mind to new innovations on products and services to be rendered.

Help him bring divine solution to every business challenges. Lord anoint him with soundness in his mind to breakthrough ideas that can bring unlimited wealth. Just like you did to Joseph in the land of Egypt, you blessed him with ideas to oversee all Potiphar’s house because your blessing was upon him. You also gave him ideas to cater for seven years of famine over all the earth. That was not small Lord, please give my husband unusual ideas to meet needs even globally.

Dear Lord, I also know by the scriptures that you helped Jacob with ideas to increase Laban’s flock which also brought him into prosperity. I therefore pray Lord that you breathe upon every little idea you bring across his mind, expound them and give him strength to execute them.

Short New Week Prayer Points for Your Husband

1. In the name of Jesus, I pray that my husband is a lender to nations and not a borrower.

2. I pray that my husband is like a tree planted by the rivers of water and everything he does prospers.

3.I pray that my husband is blessed with the blessings of the deep in Jesus name.

4.Dear Lord, I pray that my husband is endowed with wisdom for unusual wealth, amen.

5.I pray that my husband is divinely favoured in Jesus name, amen.

6.I pray Lord that my husband is blessed with a sound mind and he excels in his business.

7. I pray that my husband is the head and not the tail in Jesus name, amen.

8. I pray that my husband’s financial increase knows no bounds.

9. I pray that my husband is blessed with a heart to give without measure.

10. I pray that my husband’s bank accounts receives multiple alerts of financial blessings in Jesus name, amen.

11. I pray that my husband is blessed with graceful speech this week in Jesus name, amen.

12. I pray that my husband’s head is exalted like the horn of the unicorn and his head is anointed with fresh oil in Jesus name, amen.

13. I pray that Christ in my husband makes the difference in all his endeavours, amen.

14. I pray that every seed that goes out from my husband’s hand returns to him in hundred folds in Jesus name, amen.

15. I pray that my husband is blessed to become a solution to business problems and challenges.

16. I pray that my husband stands before kings and not mere men in Jesus name.

17. I pray that my husband’s confidence is in Christ and he speaks with boldness and clarity in Jesus name.

18. I pray that my husband increases with all the increase of God on every side.

19. I pray that unlimited doors of success open to my husband this week in Jesus name.

20. I pray that grace rests upon my husband and he becomes irresistible to men who will favour him in Jesus name, amen.

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