Prayer to Soften My Husband’s Heart Towards Me

There are a few reasons you would want to find peace with your husband. It’s either you’ve done something wrong or he’s even the one who is at fault and you just want to make sure peace reigns in the home because you understand what mess the home will be without some unity.

And if you’ve done anything wrong? I won’t talk about how grievous the sin was. I won’t talk about what you’ve done either. I just want you to know that we all offend, though differently.

And since your resolution is to pray that his heart is softened towards you, let’s get to that.

Note: Even though prayer does its part in dispute settling, the part of you apologizing for whatever you have done should not be negotiable. I fact, you need to do that first. And if you’ve done the part of verbal apology and he’s still not buying it, this prayer is necessary.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16.

Confess your sins one to another

Powerful Prayer to Soften Your Husband’s Heart Towards You

Thou God that has the heart of every man, I ask in prayer this day that you soften my husband’s heart towards me as you help him find peace regarding whatever is holding him back from giving his best to this me and this marriage, in Jesus name.

Prayer for Your Husband’s Health.

Dear Lord I thank you for my husband, thank you for giving me a head. Thank you Lord for making him my covering. Lord I thank for giving me such a good man. Dear Lord, I know that no man is perfect and that is why I pray that you will help my husband with an understanding heart. Heal him O Lord from hurts sitting down deeply in his heart,heal him from hurt that is making him lose his joy. Please God, bless him with a heart that easily lets go of offences. Cause your love to spring forth from his heart and flow towards me in forgiveness and kindness in Jesus name, Amen.

Dear Lord, I thank you for your mercy and favor upon my life. I thank you much more for my marriage, for nurturing it and watching over it. Lord, I know that you are a being of love and you created my husband out of love. I ask O Lord that you cause love to take over my husband’s heart and heal him of him of any hurt I have caused him. Lord I know that love has the greatest healing energy. Let your Love fill his heart and quench every hurt. Your word says many waters cannot quench love neither can floods drown it- (Songs of Solomon 8:7). I therefore ask Lord that let Love overshadow every hurt in his heart and make him whole again in Jesus name, Amen.

Dear lord, thank you for your mercy that is prevailing over my marriage. I thank you because you are the one making the difference, just like you did at the wedding at Cana in Galilee.
Dear Lord, please make a difference in my marriage, work on me and my attitudes so that my husband can be more attracted to me. Let his heart safely trust me according to your word in Proverbs 31:11. You are the balm of Gilead Lord, cause your healing balm to melt every heaviness in his heart towards me in Jesus name, Amen.

Dear Lord , I thank you for your help,mercy and grace. I thank you because you made marriage for enjoyment and not for endurance. I thank your Lord that marriage was your idea in the first place and you are teaching me day by day on how to handle mine. Dear Lord, your word says in Amos 3:3 that ‘can two walk together except they be agreed‘. Lord, I ask therefore that you shine your light on my husband’s heart to expose every hidden hurt and let them be melted .Let not disagreement take a better part of our marriage. Help me Lord with wisdom to conduct myself in a manner that will melt his heart towards me again in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you Lord for a beautiful day. Thank you because you’re making the wine in my marriage sweeter and stronger. Dear Lord, I know that offences are part and cannot but come. Lord make my husband a man of courage because it takes courage to admit and apologize for a wrong done. Help my husband to see the light of truth in this matter. To err they say is human and to forgive is divine. It takes divine energy to forgive and let go, please Lord endow my husband with such strength so that your peace can be felt in the atmosphere of our home again. Thank you Lord for hearing me always in Jesus name, amen.

Dear Lord, I thank you for my life and my husband’s life. Thank you because you are interested in my marriage, because you are the author of marriage. I thank you for every investment of truth and counsel you have brought our way to make us stand in this marriage. Dear lord, you have ordained in your thought that two shall become one. This can only be possible with your grace Lord. Seeing O Lord that we have a lot of differences. I therefore ask Lord that you help me swallow my pride to appeal to the softness in his heart. Grant me Wisdom and Grace to find entrance into his bowels of love so that he can lavishly pour his love on me. Help him with abundance of love in his heart to overlook so many of my faults and help me to do away with things he disapproves even if it does not make sense to me. In Jesus name I have prayed, amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank you because you are always there for me and for my husband. I appreciate you for what you are making out of my husband. You are making him more beautiful by the day. Dear Lord, I come to you because I feel so sorry for him that he is trying to bear with me. I feel bad that I make him sad sometimes. I ask therefore Lord that your presence that brings sweetness to marriages fills my husband heart and cause his countenance to be lightened up towards me. Help him not to stay long in hurts so that the devil will not take advantage of it and turn it to bitterness. O Lord may he not be bitter against me. Let your joy fill his heart and make him a man of peace in Jesus name, amen.

Dear Lord, I thank you for your tender mercies and loving kindness that is new every morning in my marriage. Thank you because you planted this marriage as a seed and you are causing it to mature into a fruitful tree. Thank you because this marriage will bear much good fruit. Dear Lord, I ask for my husband that you fill him with abundant Life. Fill him pleasantness and cause him to be pleasant towards me. There is no sorrow too deep that you cannot soothe O Lord. Heal his heart and bless him grace. Cause him to sleep and wake up with a reason to call me Blessed, in Jesus name, amen.

Short Prayer Points to Soften a Husband’s Heart

1. In the name of Jesus, I pray that I find my husband’s heart merry towards me.

2. My God that own all things and can change all things, I pray that you change my husband’s heart absolutely in love towards me.

3. I pray that my husband is decked with grace and he will be gracious towards me.

4. Dear Lord, you have the heart of a king in your hands,direct my husband’s heart in favour towards me, amen.

5. Heavenly father I pray that the mind of Christ be in my husband and his thoughts towards me are sound, amen.

6. I pray that my husband’s gaze is fixed on Christ and his strength is renewed daily to love me more and more, amen.

7. I pray that my husband is graced with much patience and long suffering and he deals with me according to knowledge, amen.

8. I pray that my husband is a man of peace and he will give me peace in Jesus name, amen.

9. I pray that my husband is the head he should be under Christ and he will love me as Christ loves the church , amen.

10. I pray that my husband’s heart is filled with light and his mouth shall call me blessed, amen.

4 thoughts on “Prayer to Soften My Husband’s Heart Towards Me”

  1. Thank you so much my husband is so mean and sometimes and i try so hard pray for peace in my husband heart please. Talk to so many different women its hard but im going go keep praying in Jesus name i believe

  2. Jesus, sweet Jesus. You are so, so kind. You brought this very prayer, as if work for me and pur marriage. Bless the author that desires good for those who read. Bless marriage and soften my husband’s heart to love and see me in a light and way like never before. Like Christ sees me. That I will embodied the oneness that you have made us. That I would be humble and kind and not puffed up. Because I too could be the one with the hardened heart but you, rich in love in mercy towards me in such a time as this, to fulfill your kingdom on earth, have kept mine softened. Keep me. Melt him in the name of Jesus. That our marriage will testify to God and all of your goodness.

    • A big Amen! to you prayers. Thank you very much. I receive so much mercy for your husband and marriage to be better in the name of Jesus, amen.

  3. These are very beautiful prayers
    Can you guys plz. Pray for my relationship
    Vincent and Sherie


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