Thank You God for Healing Me Prayers

God is the God of all flesh and thereโ€™s nothing too hard for Him to do. If God can heal a headache, He can also heal any disease no matter how grievous it seems.

I believe the Lord as done great things for you and you are glad. Definitely one of the many reasons you are here is because you canโ€™t find the right words to tell your testimony and knowing full well that giving thanks is essential to testify, I have gathered some words of thanksgiving ahead for you. You can say thank You God for healing me prayers to show how grateful you are to Him.

Our God is great and your healing is spectacular to me, to you, to God and to the many who will rejoice and give thanks to God with you.


Prayer to Say Thank You God for Healing Me

Youโ€™ve always been the God that heals me and you have done it again! Hereโ€™s my prayer of thanksgiving for strengthening me out of my weakness and healing me of sickness in your mercies. Thank you, my awesome God.

If it wasnโ€™t by Your grace, Lord, I would have been dead now, but You kept me. Your mercy preserved me and healed me. Iโ€™ll never be ungrateful for the opportunity to live in health again. I rejoice in Your majesty, Lord for healing me, taking the pain and reproach away. Thank You, Father.

Others might see my healing as happenstance, but I know that thereโ€™s a God who loves me so much and will never leave my health to happenstance or a coincidence. Father, Iโ€™m happy that You healed me and restored health to my body. Thank You for delivering me from every disease. You are wonderful, Lord and I praise You.

Father, You are the Lord that healed me. You took everything that was against me and gave me Your life. Thank You for being faithful. My soul bless You, Lord and I celebrate how gracious You have been to me. You healed me and yes, I ascribe all my praise and glory to You, God. I just want to bless You, Lord. Thank You Lord.

I could have been dead, but You didnโ€™t leave me to the imagination of darkness. Thank You Jesus for healing me by Your stripes. Iโ€™m grateful for this life that You have given to me and how You renew this body back with Your healing touch, I donโ€™t understand, but Iโ€™ll eternally be grateful. Thank You Jesus for this gift. Thank You for healing me. I bless You for reviving me again by Your love.

God, You are so good. Blessed be Your name. Thank You for the grace that has kept me from every form of sickness. Thank You for healing perfectly and removing every disease from my blood. I owe it all to You, Lord and I say โ€œthank You.โ€ You have made my life brand new and I can move around the way I want to, You are powerful my King and Lord. Thank You so much for all that You do.

Father in Jesus name, I come to You today as my friend, my Father and my healer. You have done great things for me and I canโ€™t tell it all. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me health by Your stripes. It is a wonderful experience for me and I canโ€™t keep calm or hold it in. I have to praise You, Lord and tell the whole World how You have done faithfully for me. Thank You, Father. I rejoice and I ask that my life will be Your worship daily as I live.

If you are trusting God for healing, the prayer of healing below is powerful enough โ€“ with your faith.

Prayers of Faith to Be Healed

I pray for healing in my body, Lord. Please, lay Your healing hands on me. Let everything that is sick in my body receive a touch from You. Change my life and let it be for You. Deliver me from the evil one and set me free from the plaque of sickness. I ask for Your life in my body, let me be quickened to life again. I ask by faith that Iโ€™ll live in health and wellness again and no matter what the doctorโ€™s report says, I live above it and come out of this with my testimony in Jesus name.

See more:ย  Get Well Soon Prayers for Oneself.

Short Prayer Points of Thanksgiving to God for Getting Healed

The prayer points below can be rendered personally or used as thank you God for healing me prayer quotes to God for healing you of sicknesses and diseases.

1. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing hands. I return to bless You for giving me perfect health and taking this sickness away. Thank You, Father.

2. It is truly not by power nor by might, but by Your Spirit, Lord. Thank You for healing me quickly and completely. It is all by Your grace and I bless You Lord in Jesus name.

3. Iโ€™ll sing of Your mercies, Lord. With my mouth, Iโ€™ll make known the things You have done for me. You are a miracle working God and I give You thanks for this which You have done.

4. From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, You remain God. I really thank, You Lord. My soul rejoices in what You have done for me. Thank You for restoring my health, Lord. I thank You.

5. My hallelujah belongs to You, Father. Thank You for taking every pain away from my body. You are the God my healer. I give You praise for healing me.

6. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivered them from it all. Thank You, Lord for making Your Words true in my life. You have delivered me from this affliction of sickness and I rejoice.

7. This is the Lordโ€™s doing and it is marvelous in my sight. Thank You Jesus for healing me and transforming my body. I give You all the glory in Jesus name.

8. You are my comfort and shelter in times of storm, Lord. Thank You Jesus for the wonderful grace to see my body healed and restored again. I will give thanks for as long as I live.

9. You are the mighty God of war. Thank You Father for doing this. Thank You for healing me. Iโ€™m more than grateful. My soul rejoices at the salvation You have given me today. I bless You Father in Jesus Name.

10. Iโ€™m serving a miracle working God. Thank You for the World will see and know through Your healing hands on my body that You are truly God. Thank You for Your great miracle in my health.

11. I magnify You, Lord for giving me this great grace. I do not take it for granted, Lord. Thank You for by You I live and experience health again in my body. Blessed be Your holy name.

12. You are the great physician. You have done this! You have taken my pain and sorrow away. You have healed me, Lord and I thank You in Jesus name. Thank You for taking absolute control in my life.

13. Jesus my healer! You have done it in my life. You deserve all the praise. I thank You ancient of days. Thank You so much for healing me and I bless Your name for divine health.

14. You are the Lord, that is Your name and You will never share Your glory with anyone. Thank You for not sharing Your glory with anyone over my health. Thank You for all glory belongs to You today and forever more.

15. Today, I can see the fingerprint of God boldly written in my life. You have given me a new song of health to sing, I say thank You Father. I bless You.

16. You have done what no man can do. You have changed the impossible around and You have transformed my life for Your good. Thank You Jesus for healing me completely. Blessed be Your name.

17. To You I sing my hallelujah. Thank You Father for this healing. You did it! You gave me a new song. You changed my life. I bless You, Lord.

18. Iโ€™ll dance and sing for good is good. Thank You Lord of glory for renewing my life from sickness, pain and diseases to health. You have done it for me, Lord.

19. This God is too good o. I bless You Father for being so good and faithful every time. You have healed me. Only You could have reversed everything, Lord. I give You praise in Jesus name.

20. Thank You, Father for the health and wholeness I now enjoy. Your name is sweet and Your love is powerful. Thank You God for what You have done. Thank You, Lord.

7 thoughts on โ€œThank You God for Healing Me Prayersโ€

  1. Thank you Lord for this miraculous healing over this disease. I put my trust in you Jesus. Protect me and my family from this wickedness in this world. I chose to forgive those who had done this things to me so that they may change their ways. Amen

    • This is amazing! Amen! I join my faith with yours @John Oketch. May your miracles abound in Jesus name, amen.

  2. Thank you Lord for this miraculous healing over my life. I pray for protection from my enemies evil plots targeting me and my family. Have mercy upon us, extend favor in my families endeavors. I chose to forgive all who had done all this to me so that they may be saved. Thank you Jesus.

    • I join my faith with yours dear friend. Receive your miraculous healing in the name of Jesus. And the power of God through his son Jesus Christ forms a covering over you and your family in the name of Jesus. Stay blessed


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