Prayer Points for Advancement in Life

No matter what level you are on any area of life, chances are that you want to advance. Life is a ladder with limitless rungs and a platform with unending pinnacles; the higher you go, the higher you desire.

So, to be a part of your increase and advancement, I have helped prepare these sample prayers for progress and prayer points for advancement in life.

Kindly note that your faith is to be in action as you say the prayers to guarantee maximum success.

If you have a boss you’ll like to pray for, these prayer of progress for a boss will help.

Thanks for visiting.

Daily Prayer of Advancement

Abba father, the God of all grace and power. I thank you for moving me from grace to grace, glory to grace, level by level every step on the way. Father, today I ask that you will further my cause and advance me more.
The only God, who can’t lie, your word says that you will increase me more and more with my children. I ask for me, my spouse, children and loved ones that you will increase us today as your blessings rest upon whatever we lay our hands on. These and many more we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Advancement in life

Prayer 1: My father, who is in heaven, I thank you this day for your faithfulness over my life. I know Lord, that you are my strength and without you I am nobody and can I achieve nothing. This far you have brought me o Lord. I ask in humility that you will promote me for your word says, “For promotion [cometh] neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.”
Promotion can only come from you and I receive it in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer 2: My God, I know you have all power in heaven and earth to lift men.
Your word says about you, “God [is] the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”
I believe in your word Jesus, please set me up in life and move me from one level of glory to another by your finger alone. I thank you this day because you’ve answered my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.

Prayer 3:1 Samuel 12:6 – And Samuel said unto the people, [It is] the LORD that advanced Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.”
Dear God, I rejoice at your word and thank you because it is true.
In the days of Moses, you gave him advancement even in the wilderness.
Father, advance the work of my hands, I humbly request, that the world may know that I serve a living God. I pray this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer 4: Good father, I thank you because you are thinking of me. My journey on earth has been determined by you from my mother’s womb.
I ask you father today to connect me with men or women that you want to use for my advancement.
Dear God, I read in your word of how you moved the king in those days to advance your people.
Esther 10:2 And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the declaration of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the *king advanced him, *[are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?
Please connect me with the kings and queens for my advancement. Thank you because it is done in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer 5: I declare today that, “Habakkuk 3:19 The LORD God [is] my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ [feet], and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.”
I walk in high places of the earth in my life, career, business and destiny. I shall not be found in the valley. I go up to the places where kings only stand in life. Thank you dear Lord for my request are granted in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer for Career Advancement

Prayer 1:  Father Lord, thank you for my career. I thank you because you’ve shown me a path to destiny
Dear father, your word says that a man can receive nothing except it is given from heaven. I ask for advancement in the path that you have placed my feet.
I thank you Lord for another level in my career in Jesus name. Amen

Prayer 2: Father, I thank you because you made me with purpose. From my youth, you’ve shown me what to do in line with your purpose for my life.
Dear Lord, I ask humbly that you will move my career from glory to glory, from one level of achievement to another this season as you advancement and establish this career. I thank you Lord for testimony of advancement.

Prayer for Business Advancement

Prayer 1: Great Lord and father of all living, I bless you today for my business.
Dear God, I ask for opportunities to advance in my business. Lord send partners to my business that will result in business explosion.
Thank you God for I asked in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Prayer 2: Father Lord, I thank you for profits that I have made in this business.
I receive divine idea to advance my business. I receive grace that will cause people to place demands on the business that will culminate in advancement. The blessings of the Lord rest on my business for hundred fold returns. Thank you Lord for doing these and many more for my business in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Short prayer Points for Daily Advancement

1 . Lord I pray that you place your hand upon my life, career and business for advancement in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. Father, your says that you advance Moses and Aaron in the wilderness and I believe you can advancement me in the city. Do whatever it takes to advance me in the name of Jesus Christ .

3. I ask father that whatever I laid my hand upon shall prosper by your Spirit and your hands will cause me to do the right thing for my advancement

4. I ask father for grace can will cause to place demands on what I do in career and business that will result in to advancement.

5. The word of the Lord says that promotion comes only from you. Let event that will advance my life, career and businesses happen now in Jesus mighty name.

6. I pray that God will shake all the shakeable and move the moveable on my behalf for my advancement in life, career and businesses for his glory in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. I pray that God will order me to the place where my career and businesses will witness a surge in profit by bringing unimaginable advancement to me in Jesus Christ name.

8. I pray for strength to soar and mount up like eagles in life; the extra load load that doesn’t permit me to move with the speed of light in progress will be shed off me.

9. When men say they are cast down, I confess, there is lifting for me. What affects others shall not affect me, what crumbles other businesses shall not crumble my business in the name of Jesus.

10. I pray that God will connect me men that matter in life for my advancement. Like Ziba spoke in the ear of King David for Mephibosheth, men will announce my abilities where I am needed and I will be called. This call will result into my advancement in the name of Jesus Christ.

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